Introducing the Hunters & Frankau X Ettinger Leather Cigar Wrap

Introducing the Hunters & Frankau X Ettinger Leather Cigar Wrap

Ettinger is proud to present their new Leather Cigar Wrap, in collaboration with Hunters & Frankau, the leading independent cigar importer in the UK. This distinctive and innovative wrap brings form and modernity, as well as functionality to the question of how best to carry and maintain Havana cigars.

These two family run businesses, both long established in the world of luxury, and tradition, have come together, bring to bear generational experience within their respective fields to create an innovative yet classical design.

The collaboration between the two British companies was over a year in the making and has been meticulously developed through a series of stages, and exchanges with the addition of extensive use testing.

Hunters & Frankau was founded in 1790 and is the exclusive distributor of Havana cigars in the UK. The company has been deeply rooted in the cigar industry for well over 200 years, and remains committed to providing only the finest quality products to Britain. All their cigars are subject to rigorous quality checks and stored at optimum humidity and temperature levels to maintain their perfect smoking condition.

Created at Ettinger's factory in Walsall, the Leather Cigar Wraps are hand crafted from Maldives leather, made with top-quality Italian calf-side which have been chrome tanned, dyed through and then drum rolled to give the leather a buttery soft touch.

The wrap comes in two colourways, navy and green, and features Ettinger’s signature London Tan leather interior. It holds five substantial Havana cigars and includes a vented pouch for cigar accessories, a slot for a humidification pouch and a space for an AirTag, so the owner will always have the comfort of knowing precisely where their cigars are.

Like Cuba’s finest Havana cigars, every product has been created with the utmost
attention to detail and quality.

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